Buena Vista EMS & Fire Companies Receive Donated Pet Oxygen Masks
On June 25th, Shawn Ronan II, of Cumberland County, and Township Clerk Lisa Tilton presented all of The Buena Vista Township First Responding Fire Companies and EMS with Pet Oxygen Mask Kits, along with information and training tools needed to learn how to use them correctly.
The companies presented were Richland, East Vineland, Newtonville, Milmay, Collings Lakes and BVT EMS.
Township Clerk Lisa Tilton reached out to Shawn and he responded. He has demonstrated an uncommon degree of dedication by collecting the funds for these kits and for distributing them.
To date, he has been able to equip 25 fire companies with pet oxygen mask kits, Buena Vista being the first town in Atlantic County to receive these masks thanks to Shawn.