13872852_985872138198468_3440264406462358034_nBuena Vista Township Committee members John Armato and Steve Martinelli took a few hours out of their busy schedules on Wednesday, August 3rd to replace old outdated light fixtures at Saw Mill Park in Richland Village.

The lights were replaced by new state-of-the-art high intensity, low energy fixtures. Committeeman John Armato was able to get the lighting fixtures at with the help of Stan Tarquinio, DataComm Manager, at Billows Electric Supply Company in Pleasantville, NJ.

The lights were supplied through a special program from RAB Lighting that offered free LED light fixtures to shine a “new light on monuments”. Four new fixtures worth a total of $1,600 were donated to the Township. Committeemen Armato and Martinelli, both with long standing electrical backgrounds, changed out the old lighting fixtures for the new modern LED cost-effective lighting.

Martinelli said, “My friend John Armato, injured and all, did one heck of a job replacing two of the four fixtures”. Martinelli, a 40-year IBEW veteran, said, “He was the best apprentice I ever had”. Future LED projects are planned in Buena Vista Township to save taxpayers money and offer brighter lighting.