The Buena Vista Township Committee unanimously introduced legislation that would strengthen and regulate the requirements for the care of a domestic animal.  The Township recently suffered a horrible tragedy with the passing of two dogs, a puppy and its mother after they were not able to recover from the extreme weather conditions.

The tragedy has made the Township recognize that a stronger law needed to be implemented in order to protect the animals and provide guidance to the owners/keepers of those animals.

The new regulations once adopted, would require owners, caretakers or handlers of dogs to exercise diligence and reasonable care in order to prevent the dogs from leaving their premises. As such, outdoor pens or other enclosures must be a certain height and size (square footage) in order to accommodate the needs of the pet. Those enclosures have to be properly constructed and contain certain bedding such as straw or other absorbent material in order provide adequate protection for the animal.

Dogs must also be able to move freely when chained or tethered and should be confined for a period no greater than nine hours within a twenty-four hour period. The chain or tether must be a minimum of 15 linear feet and constructed properly so the dog can remain tangle free.

The final piece of this new law will tackle the tragedy head on and help the animals have a healthy and comfortable life. Owners/keepers of these pets will be required to bring the animals indoors in extreme weather conditions, which includes when the outside temperature is below 32 degrees or above 95 degrees. The type of indoor enclosures would include any residence or temperature controlled area that is either heated or air-conditioned such as a kennel.

The Township and its animal control officers will enforce this new law as necessary in order to bring compliance to those regulations. Such penalties are enforceable by a Judge and could include upon conviction a fine of $200 or a maximum of $1,000 or imprisonment per violation.

Buena Vista Township is committed in taking a proactive approach in making sure such a tragedy like this does not occur again. The Township staff is always available for those to help understand the new requirements and provide any guidance as needed.

by Township Clerk Lisa A. Tilton
