by the BVT Green Team

The goal of the Buena Vista Township Green Team is to involve township residents in living greener, appreciating and protecting our natural resources, and to live more sustainably.

Some of the BVT Green Team proposed projects are:

1.     Reopen the Nature Trail at Michael Debbi Park with the Environmental Commission that will include educational signage about the natural habitat of the Pinelands we live in.

2.     Save The Monarch Butterfly Project. We will be planting a Monarch Butterfly Habitat (all other pollinators are welcome also!) at Michael Debbi Park, to coincide with the Nature Trail and Bluebird nesting boxes.

3.     An exciting vertical Community Garden at the Martin Luther Community Center, which will provide fresh produce for the Food Bank at the Center.

4.     An organic Community Garden at the Abundant Living Church with a children’s garden, and which will also provide fresh produce for the Food Bank located there.

The Buena Township Green Team invites residents, clubs, Scout groups, and educators to join us in making our Township greener! We are seeking people that are positive, and want to be involved in community Green Team activities. To get more information and be part of the BVT Green Team please contact Committeeman John Williams at 609-513-7318 or email:

Green Team Tip for the Month

Regular pumping of septic tanks will vastly improve septic system functioning and help protect the environment. If the sludge level in the bottom of the tank builds up to the outlet pipe that carries the liquid to the septic field, the sludge will be carried to the field and will block release of the liquids. Grease also can cause clogs in vital tank components, so wipe grease from pots and pans before washing to help keep your septic system operating efficiently.

Check here next month for more BVT Green Team news and tips!