
Fire District #2 – East Vineland Volunteer Fire Department

4931 Landis Avenue
East Vineland, NJ 08360
(856) 213-5854
Website: East Vineland Fire Company – CLICK HERE

Est. 1926


The East Vineland Volunteer Fire Company was started in 1926 by a group of farmers who saw a need for some type of fire protection for the rural farming community. this area was known for growing, potatoes. Potato plants were started in “HotBeds” which were made out of wood and covered with salt hay. The beds were heated by a wood fire under the bed, which produced heat and steam. Many a time a farmer would have a “Hot-Bed” on fire.

A woman named Josephine Benero donated the ground which the firehouse stands on today. The original building was 2-story with 2 truck bays on the first floor. Additions were added in the sixties, seventies and in 1991. Upon being established, the newly formed fire company provided protection for the East Vineland area, “New Italy,” Milmay and Dorothy.

The Fire Company received its money through taxation but also raised funds through various events which have continued to this day. Tickets for a ravioli supper in 1927 sold for $1.00 each.

Horse shows, carnivals held behind the fire company and card parties took place from the first years through the end of the forties. Turkey shoots and chicken & beef barbecues were common from the fifties to the seventies. In the eighties and nineties, breakfasts and sub sales became popular giving rise to the phase “Home of the Famous Firehouse Sub”.

From the early years until the sixties, fires were called in by phone directly to fireman’s homes. The fireman would then activate a siren from his house which was usually located near the firehouse.

In the days before pagers, the first fire truck out would drop small paper bags filled with lime to indicate the travel route to other responding firemen and fire trucks.


In 1999 East Vineland and Richland Fire Department realized that there was a need for a rescue squad in the two areas. Meetings were held to see if there was any interest. Many members of East Vineland and Richland devoted their time and took EMT and First Responder classes and the rest is history… Buena Vista Township Emergency Medical Service was formed. Funding was provided to the squad by Fire District #1 (Richland), Fire District #2 (East Vineland), Fire District #3 (Newtonville) and the Township of Buena Vista.

On Labor Day, September 5th, 2000, officially, the squad became operational. Its ambulance was housed at the East Vineland Firehouse and responds to calls in all of Buena Vista Township. Mutual Aid is also provided to our neighboring communities. We are very proud of the commitment of the squad’s 45 members and the overwhelming support of the communities.

Chief: Marc Corsiglia
Deputy Chief: Brad Ruggeri
Captain: Wayne Corsiglia and Karl Molinelli, Sr.
Greg Corsiglia
Matthew Digiovacchino
Dave Bylone
Safety Officers: Lonnie Ricci and Karl Molinelli, Jr.

Wayne Corsiglia
Marc Panco
Lonnie Ricci
David Ricci
Ronald Ruggeri

D. Bard
A. Bombara
D. Bononcini
R. Burke
C.T. Bylone
D. Bylone
G. Corsiglia
M. Corsiglia
W. Corsiglia
M. Digiovacchino
L. D’Ottavio
D. Franceschini
B. Hannon
Z. Hannon
S. Kendall
J. Kline
J. Lorito
N. Pace
M. Panco
D. Ricci
L. Ricci
M. Rigo
B. Ruggeri
R. Ruggeri
D. Santiago
A. Santini
T. Smith

Mini Pumper 12-20 Chevy Pierce 1981
Engine 12-23 Pierce 1991
Engine 12-24 GMC 1981
Tanker 12-22 Freightliner/Semo 2001