David Scheidegg – Certified Public Works Manager
Anthony Poley, Supervisor of Public Works
Email Public Works: publicworks@buenavistanj.com
Quentin McClendon – Office Manager
Contact Public Works Department (856) 697-2100 ext. 5.
The Public Works Department staff provides the following services: department purchase order and invoice processing; development coordination; coordination of consultant services; special projects i.e., feasibility studies, development fee studies; department records and filing; citizen response; prepare and monitor budget; plan check services; new development review; traffic studies; new improvement inspections; development of Capital Improvement Program which includes long term forecasting, project scheduling, estimating, funding, design, construction management and inspection; street maintenance; fleet maintenance; facilities maintenance; inventory; park and landscape maintenance; sewer utility; waste management; safety program management; coordination of engineering services; interaction with other agencies on local and regional transportation and funding issues and coordinate projects and programs with the Township’s other departments.
Report a Pot Hole
- Report a Pot Hole on a State Highway – Click HERE
- Report a Pot Hole on a County Road – Click HERE
- Report a Pot Hole on a Township Road contact the Public Works Department at (856) 697-2100 ext. 5 or email: publicworks@buenavistanj.com
Report a Street Light Outage
Residents are urged to report street lights that have burnt out or in need of repair to the Public Works Department or directly to Atlantic City Electric by phoning 1-800-642-3780 or their website by Clicking HERE. Please obtain the pole number (which is located on a metal plate just above eye level on each pole) and the street location of the pole when reporting.
Report a Dead Deer In or on the Side of the Road
Residents can contact the Public Works Department at (856) 697-2100 ext. 5 during regular business hours of Monday – Friday (7-3:30) to report a dead deer that is located in or on the side of a roadway.
For after hours or weekends residents can email the Public Works Department at publicworks@buenavistanj.com and it will be processed first thing Monday morning.
Residents can also report a dead deer on NJ State Highways by clicking HERE and submitting the report to NJDOT. For County Roads residents can report by clicking HERE and submit the report online to Atlantic County.
Report Illegal Dumping
Report illegal or suspected dumping 24 hours a day to the Environmental Crimes Task Force at 1-877-927-6337
Report a Drainage Problem
For drainage problems Contact Public Works Department (856) 692-2700 ext. 5 during business hours or you can email: publicworks@buenavistanj.com
Stormwater Resource Links
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Look-Up Tool
Buena Vista Township Stormwater Control
Call Before You Dig
Call before you DIG at 1-800-272-1000 or dial 811 from the State of New Jersey for FREE Mark-outs to locate underground utilities. This applies to all homeowners and businesses.