unnamed-7FREE reusable bags coming soon to the Independence Day Festival on Sunday, July 3, 2016. Check out the BVT Green Team table for a reusable bag and other great items. Bags available to the first 200 people who claim them.

Green Tip of the Week:

Plastic bag litter is a growing problem. Just look around and you are sure to see plastic bags hanging from the trees, stuck in storm drains, nestled in shrubs, and floating in waterways. The bags are responsible every year for the deaths of many birds, land animals and marine mammals. They can take from 15 to 1000 years to decompose.  In addition: Plastic is petroleum-base, so the more bags that are made, the more oil is wasted. The bags are photo-degradable, so if left out in the open, they break down into smaller, more toxic petro-polymers.* (CNN.com)

We can all do our part to reduce the plastic bag problem. The easiest solution is to carry reusable bags in your car at all times. These bags have become very prevalent and available for a small fee at most grocery stores and “big box” stores (Target, Lowes, etc.). These bags are not only sturdier than plastic bags but they also hold more! And some stores will give a small discount if you have your own bags. If you do accumulate plastic bags, please recycle them. Many supermarkets in the area have bins for recycling. But the best rule to follow is to reduce first, reuse second and then recycle.

This tip is courtesy of the Green Team in BVT.  For more information call the Township Clerk’s Office at 856-697-2100 or email info@buenavistanj.com.

To be part of the BVT Green Team please contact Committeeman John Williams at (609) 513-7318 or email: jwilliams@buenavistanj.com.