On August 27, 2018, the Township Committee recognized Lisa Tilton, Buena Vista Township Clerk, and Soren Hudyma, of the Public Works Department and Chief of Buena Vista Township EMS, for their outstanding performance in securing the safety of the Township employees, and contacting and assisting the State Police in identifying the person of interest in an incident that occurred at the Municipal Complex on July 26, 2018.

Lisa Tilton found a suspicious looking package outside the side entrance door and immediately contacted State Police and Public Works. Soren Hudyma arrived on scene and secured the complex and ushered all employees out of the building to safety.

He then proceeded to assist State Police in identifying the person who had left the package. The package ended up being two empty liquid laundry detergent containers with used medical needles inside. They were taped and secured around with duct tape.

The resident was under the impression that he could bring such disposals to the Municipal Complex. It ended up being a simple mistake, but could have been much worse. The Township is honored to have such dedicated and competent employees, capable of handling situations like these when they arise.

For your information: Used medical needles can be disposed of within plastic containers, such as liquid laundry detergent bottles, and securely taped and disposed of in your regular trash.