News Room

News Room2023-02-23T11:10:05-05:00

Memorial Day Services at Town Hall

Save the date for Monday, May 26, 2025 at 11am, when we will unite as a community at the Municipal Building to remember, reflect, and show gratitude towards our countrymen and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.

Lets stand together to reflect on the strength these heroes have given to our community.

We hope to see you all there.

11th Annual Free Shredder Event

On Saturday, September 20, 2025 the Buena Vista Township Environmental Committee will be hosting a FREE Shredder event, featuring a used clothing drop off area, as well as designated safe spaces to dispose of unwanted prescription medication and small electronics.

The event will run from 10:00 am – 1:30 pm, or until the shredding truck is packed full, so come early!

For more information see the flyer, or call 856-697-2100 ext 8. We hope to see you there!

4th Annual Community Yard Sale @ Michael Debbi Park

It’s time to clean out those closets and dust off those forgotten gems, get ready for the 4th annual Buena Vista Township Community Yard Sale!

On Saturday, May 17, from 9am – 1pm we are turning the Michael Debbi Park into the ultimate bargain playground and giving you the opportunity to turn your junk into treasure!

This event has been so successful in the past that it is here to stay!

Spaces are available for only $10 for a 10×10 area. Multiple spaces are available for purchase if you would like a larger area. Applications must be submitted to the Special Events office in the Municipal Complex by Monday, May 12. Please see the application for a list of prohibited items.

Applications can be found online or on picked up in person from Town Hall @ 890 Harding Highway in Buena.

For more information please contact the Special Events office at, or call 856-697-2100, ext. 8


Breakfast with the Easter Bunny & Egg Hunt

Hop on down the Bunny Trail join us for our second annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny!

We had so much fun last year that we are doing it again: breakfast, egg hunt, and photos with your favorite bunny!

This is a free event, just bring your kiddos and a Basket for the Egg Hunt.

It all takes place at 10 am, on Saturday, April 12th at the MLK Center, 661 Jackson Rd, Newtonville.

For more information contact the Buena Vista Township Special Events Committee at (856) 397-2100 Ext 8.


April is Earth Month!

We all know Earth Day is great, but a whole Earth Month is better!

In celebration of Earth Month we will be accepting bulk trash drop offs every Saturday in April between the hours of 8am and 12 noon.

Items accepted include appliances, metals, used motor oils, brush/leaves in biodegradable bags, bulky rigid plastics, recyclables, E-waste, and up to 4 tires with no rims.

Items that will not be accepted include construction, demolition, lumber, concrete materials, hazardous materials and paint.

It’s all happening at the Buena Vista Township Public Works Facility located at 430 Union Rd in East Vineland.

For more information please contact the Public Works Department at 856-697-2100 ext. 5

Disposal Services Provided by Buena Vista Township

Did you know that flushing pills contaminates water supplies and can harm aquatic animals? They can also clog your pipes and even end up back in your drinking water. Fortunately, Buena Vista Township provides ethical prescription disposal right at Town Hall.

The Township also provides honorable disposal of American flags, performed by local Veterans. The flag bin and the prescription bin are both located across from the Clerk’s office inside of the municipal building.

Finally, the township offers used clothing drop off at TWO locations. You can find the used clothing bins in the parking lots behind Town Hall and the MLK Community Center. For more information please see the flyer, or call 856-697-2100 ext. 1


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