David Scheidegg
Zoning Officer
Phone: (609) 833-1847


Zoning Permit Applications shall be submitted to the Township’s Clerks Office, Monday – Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Click HERE for Zoning Permit Application **Updated 2024

Zoning Permit Checklist for New Construction

Click HERE for Pinelands Development Applications

Duties of the Zoning Officer include, but are not limited to:

  • The examination of all applications for zoning permits.
  • The issuance of zoning permits for any building or use which is in conformity with the requirements of this chapter or as may be properly authorized by a municipal agency.
  • Causing any building, plans or premises to be inspected or examined and ordering, in writing, the remedying of any conditions found to exist in violation of this chapter.
  • Recording and filing all permit applications and approvals and maintaining them as a public record.
  • Making available, at the request of a municipal agency, available facts, records or other information which will assist such body in reaching a decision.


Zoning Permits:

  • Zoning permits shall hereafter be secured from the Zoning Officer’s office prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction, erection or alteration of any structure or sign or part of a structure or upon a change in the use of a structure or land.

Temporary Use Permits: 

  • It is recognized that it may be in accordance with the purpose of the chapter to permit temporary activities for a limited period of time, which activities may be prohibited by other provisions of this chapter. If such uses are of such nature and are so located that at the time of petition they will in no way exert a detrimental effect upon the uses of land and activities normally permitted in the zone; contribute materially to the welfare of the Township, particularly in a state of emergency, under conditions peculiar to the time and place involved, then the Board of Adjustment may direct the Zoning Officer to issue a permit for a period not to exceed six months. Such period may be extended not more than once for an additional period of six months.

Complete this application if you feel your Single Family Home qualifies to receive a Grandfather exemption from the Pinelands Commission rules.

Complete this application if you feel your Single Family Home is qualified for Cultural Housing exemption under the Pinelands Commission rules.