Governor Phil Murphy Cuts Ribbon for Grand Opening at Teligent
On Friday, August 31, 2018, Governor Phil Murphy, along with State, County and Local Officials gathered in Buena Vista Township for the Grand Opening, Ribbon Cutting and Jamboree located at Teligent, Inc. Teligent, a specialty generic pharmaceutical company which has expanded their facility by over 75,000 square feet, celebrated their grand opening with a ribbon cutting, parade, live entertainment, food, tours and games for the kids. Governor Murphy and Teligent CEO Jason Grenfell-Garner cut the ribbon opening the doors to over 500 people in attendance to tour the new facility.
New Jersey Department of Corrections Color Guard complete with Drums and Bagpipes lead the parade with New Jersey State Police, East Vineland Vol. Fire Company, Newtonville Vol. Fire Company, Collings Lakes Vol. Fire Company, Richland Vol. Fire Company and Estell Manor Vol. Fire Company. Atlantic County Sheriff’s Office Color Guard presented the arms with Newtonville resident Eugene Moore singing the National Anthem.
“Today is a great day for Atlantic County, all of South Jersey and, indeed, our entire state. It’s also a very good day for our efforts to expand the innovation economy here in New Jersey,” said Governor Murphy. “Groundbreaking pharmaceutical research has been one of our core economic pillars for a long time and we are committed to ensuring it remains so for a long time to come.”
“As more and more companies see what Teligent sees – our highly skilled workforce, our proximity to global markets, and our New Jersey values – they will come to the same conclusion Teligent did: There’s no better place than New Jersey to call home,” the Governor added.
“Teligent’s major plant expansion is the largest project of its type to ever come to Buena Vista Township and Governor Murphy’s attendance is a clear sign of the importance of bringing new business opportunities to all of New Jersey,” said Buena Vista Township Mayor Chuck Chiarello.
“This facility opening is an important milestone for our company, and recognizes the great achievements of our team over the last two years. We look forward to receiving the FDA for our readiness inspection later this year, so we can manufacture high-quality, affordable sterile injectable medicines for hospitals around the country,”said Jason Grenfell-Gardner, President and CEO of Teligent. “We are grateful to Mayor Chiarello and the local community, as well as so many Atlantic County and State officials, who have supported our journey from vision to reality.”
In addition, the expansion has nearly doubled employment to 225 at the Buena facility, bringing with it new positions in advanced engineering and technology as well as entry-level and administrative positions.
Employees Receive Making Buena Vista Proud Awards
On August 27, 2018, the Township Committee recognized Lisa Tilton, Buena Vista Township Clerk, and Soren Hudyma, of the Public Works Department and Chief of Buena Vista Township EMS, for their outstanding performance in securing the safety of the Township employees, and contacting and assisting the State Police in identifying the person of interest in an incident that occurred at the Municipal Complex on July 26, 2018.
Lisa Tilton found a suspicious looking package outside the side entrance door and immediately contacted State Police and Public Works. Soren Hudyma arrived on scene and secured the complex and ushered all employees out of the building to safety.
He then proceeded to assist State Police in identifying the person who had left the package. The package ended up being two empty liquid laundry detergent containers with used medical needles inside. They were taped and secured around with duct tape.
The resident was under the impression that he could bring such disposals to the Municipal Complex. It ended up being a simple mistake, but could have been much worse. The Township is honored to have such dedicated and competent employees, capable of handling situations like these when they arise.
For your information: Used medical needles can be disposed of within plastic containers, such as liquid laundry detergent bottles, and securely taped and disposed of in your regular trash.
NJ Assembly Resolution Awarded to Shawn Ronan II for his Donations of Pet Oxygen Masks
On August 27, 2018, Assemblyman John Armato presented a New Jersey Assembly Resolution to Shawn Ronan II for his efforts collecting the funds for and distributing the donations of pet oxygen masks to local fire departments.
Buena Vista Township Fire and EMS Departments were the first in Atlantic County to receive these valuable aids in saving pets’ lives. Mr. Armato stated that “It is exciting to see the next generation is already making a difference”.
Buena Vista Township Hosting American Red Cross Blood Drive in October
On Wednesday, October 10th Buena Vista Township will be hosting a blood drive at the Township Hall from 2pm to 7pm.
The American Red Cross will be collecting blood from any and all residents and members of other Township’s throughout the afternoon. The event will be held in the court room of our Township Hall at 890 Harding Highway, Buena, NJ 08310.
For additional information regarding the event, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 856-697-2100 Ext. 1 or go to to register for the drive and enter Sponsor Code of “Buena Vista”.
Buena Vista Holds Annual Food Drive for the Holiday Season
The season is approaching where we are once again asking for a helping hand to those less fortunate in our community this Thanksgiving and Christmas time.
Buena Vista Township will be accepting canned food and non-perishable food items that will go to help the Community Food Pantry at the Dr. Martin Luther King Community Center in Newtonville and the Abundant Living Church Food Bank located on Route 54 at Jackson Road.
Collection containers will be located at each of the Township Post Offices, BVT Municipal Building, and the MLK Community Center, 661 Jackson Rd. in Newtonville.
Please make any donations no later than November 9th for Thanksgiving and December 14th for Christmas.
Special Thanks to our Public Works Department for Making the Donation Baskets!
4th Annual Shredder Event A Success!
We had a great turn out for Buena Vista Township’s 4th Annual Shredder Event. Many residents took advantage of the opportunity to clean out and dispose of old files safely and securely, and also to get rid of some electronics, too. All in all, the day was a huge success. Thanks to all who came and participated.